The Story of Two Brides |
This is a story of two young women who married into
the same family, but sadly, time prevented them from ever having the
opportunity to get to know each other. In spite of the fact the two
never met, they have many things in common. One especially uncanny
fact is that they share the same birth date of April 16. I’ll begin
putting the pieces of this story together with details of an outdoor
wedding my husband and I attended at the Clark House here in
Livingston on an extremely hot Saturday morning in July. The bride
was Christine Bach who grew up in Dresden, Germany, and the groom
was Matthew Reagan of Memphis. Christine is the daughter of Uwe and
Elke Bach of Dresden, Germany, and the groom is the son of Rick and
Lisa (Sells) Reagan of Knoxville. Grandparents of the groom are Paul
and Robbie Reagan of Livingston and Raymond and Frances Sells of the
Taylors Crossroads community. Grandparents of the bride are Alfons
and Magdalena Siewert, who attended the wedding, and Sigried and
Sigfried both from Dresden, Germany. The wedding was unlike any I
have ever attended before in that many German traditions and customs
were included. White ribbons from the bridal bouquet were place on
the cars of the bridesmaids, and the wedding vows were done in both
English and German. German and American flags were displayed side by
side, and the wedding cake was in the colors of the German flag,
black (chocolate), red, and yellow. Another interesting tradition
that followed the exchanging of vows was watching the bride and
groom use a crosscut saw to cut a small log into, something that
symbolized their promise to always work together in their marriage.
Before telling more of Christine and Matthew’s story,
we’ll turn back the clock to the year 1931. That’s when Matthew’s
great-grandfather, Lonzo Sells, married Eva Helen Woog, a young lady
who came to this country from Austria-Hungary. When stories for the
Overton County History book were being submitted, Eva wrote the
following about her life. Here are portions of that story:
"I was born April 16, 1909 in Austria-Hungary. My
parents were Mathias and Kristen (Saag) Woog, pronounced Vogue in
German. I am the oldest of five children. My siblings were
Magdalena, Karl, Matthew, and Barbra. Matthew died in 1915 and my
mother and baby sister, Barbra, died in 1916 when I was seven years
old. Later, my father married Elizabeth Saag, pronounced Schak. My
father, grandfather, and uncles were all managers of vineyards and
wineries. They were also overseers of raising almonds, apricots, and
carpathian walnuts. We lived in a village called Titel near the
Danube River. I could see the snow-capped Alps from my home. The
farm animals were taken out of the village each morning to eat in
the meadows. A herder was hired to take the animals out and to bring
them back each night. Timber was scarce. Houses and fences were
built out of bricks, which were white washed regularly. Our crops
were also grown outside the village by the river. Our life was
drastically changed after World War I. Part of Austria was given to
Serbia, including several small countries. Serbia is now Yugoslavia.
I’ll never forget how scared we were when the bombs got so close
that we could hear them. We were rationed of everything we had. It
was unbearable. Then our country was ruled by the Serbians. We had
to go to their schools and learn to speak their language. When I was
younger, I could speak four different languages and my father could
speak seven. I have forgotten a lot since then. Because things kept
getting worse, my father knew he had to get his family out of
Austria-Hungary as soon as possible. He sold everything and we came
to the United States. My grandparents and most of my aunts and
uncles left too. Some went to South America, some to Canada and the
rest to the United States. Those who stayed had to live under the
rule of the Russians when Yugoslavia was taken over during World War
II. A few died in concentration camps. I have always been thankful
that we got out just in time. In February of 1921, my father,
stepmother, brother, Karl, sister, Magdalena, and I left war-torn
Europe by train. We next boarded a ship in Antwerp, Belgium. We had
to stay a whole week in Belgium waiting for our ship, and then spent
the next nine days on the ocean. We had a terrifying experience
while on the ship. It began to leak and the distress signal sounded
all night. The next day, the water was coming up into the cabins.
When the rescue boats finally came to get us off the ship, women and
children went first. I got separated from my family and was carried
onto a boat screaming. I thought I would never see my family again.
We were taken to an island to stay in an abandoned prison while our
ship was being repaired. It was night before my mother, brother, and
sister came in on their boat. I ran to them through a crowd of
people. I was so happy. It was the next day before we saw my father.
We all were then taken back to our ship and continued on to Boston,
Massachusetts. On March 11, 1921, we arrived in the United States.
We traveled by train from Boston to Barberton, Ohio where we had
relatives. We then made our home in Barberton. Ten days after our
arrival in Barberton, my little sister, Magdalena, became sick and
died. I was torn apart again. I turned twelve years old in April,
then in September, I had to start to school in the first grade
because I could not speak English. I could hardly bear it, I had to
start from the beginning. Once I learned English, I got to finish
school early. I was so thankful to my parents for making me go.
While living in Barberton, my parents had four more children, John,
Frank, Helen, and Joe. In 1928, I met Lonzo Harrison Sells in the
Diamond Match Company where we both worked. My father worked there
also. In 1931, Lonzo and I were married. After getting my
citizenship in 1932, Lonzo and I came to Tennessee to his home place
to live for awhile. In 1934, we moved back to Ohio for better work,
and lived there until 1941, when we came back to his home in
Tennessee to take care of his parents, Harrison and Malissie
(Nelson) Sells. We have lived there ever since. After moting to
Tennessee, we mostly farmed, and I worked at the shirt factory in
Livingston. Over the years, Lonzo also worked in Oak Ridge, drove a
school bus and a gravel truck. When I first came to this country, I
had to face a lot of changes. I had never seen anyone chew gum. My
family and I could not figure out what everyone was eating that they
never swallowed. We finally found out it was chewing gum. I had also
never eaten a banana or peanuts. I grew up with electricity in
Austria and Barberton, but when we came to Tennessee, we didn’t have
electricity until 1949. I was raised as a Catholic but joined the
Protestant church with my husband, and I am still a member at
Hatcher Hall Christian Church. This is my home now although I have
always wanted to go back to Europe but never got the chance. I like
the people and love country here. I have a lot of friends and love
them all. I am glad we live in a free country and hope I never have
to see another war. God bless America."
Eva Sells passed away on February 17, 1996. Her
husband, Lonzo Sells, died on March 5, 1974, several years prior to
her death. Their children include a daughter, Donna Sells Jolley; a
son, Raymond Sells; and another daughter, Marie Sells Gunnels. All
three children continue to live in the Taylors Crossroads Community
where they are all active members of the Hatcher Hall Christian
Lonzo Sells and wife Eva Sells were
photographed in the early years of their marriage.
What follows is Christine Bach Reagan’s story:
“ I was born on April 16th in 1987
which was a wonderful Thursday just before Easter. In Germany, that
day is a holiday, and an interesting thing is that my brother,
Christian, was born two years later on the Thursday before Easter. I
grew up in an ever-changing environment as Germany was reunited in
1989 as the wall came down, but it took over 20 years for things to
become somewhat unified. Now I am only 24 years old and I am
looking back at my life, but you can still see and feel the
difference. Even though I don’t remember a lot from the UdSSR
times, I grew up understanding that there was a difference from what
my family had been through and the opportunities and possibilities
which would present themselves to me. My family did not have to
flee to another country, but my grandparents lived in an area which
is now Poland farther north at the Baltic Sea. When the Germans and
the Russians invaded the land, my grandpa and my grandma, who both
lived there at the age of seven and two, along with their families,
had to take whatever they could carry left to go South looking for
safe land. They ended up in the mountains on the border of the Czech
Republic and Germany, just 30 minutes outside of Dresden where I
grew up. It was there my grandparents met, and later started a
family. Without this history, I would not exist. I am very
thankful for their lives and their attitude to live through whatever
happened. My other grandparents lived outside of the city and also
made it through the war. Both sides watched the city burn to the
ground in 1945. It has now been rebuilt into an old wonderful
baroque city along the River Elbe.
“People may ask why all this is important to me? It
is because I grew up knowing how difficult life was and that I had
to appreciate the chances and opportunities that I would face. I
remember when I learned how to swim at the age of six. My parents
took me to Berlin to an indoor water park. It was like a trip a
world away from our home, even though it was only two hours away.
It was West-Berlin and just four years earlier, you could not go
there. Because my parents wanted me to experience what they never
could, my dad offered me the chance to come to the US as an exchange
student when I was 16. I was nervous but I wanted to see the world
and I was eager to learn. I decided to come to the US and was
placed in the small town of Elroy, Wisconsin. I lived there for one
year with a wonderful family who took care of me. When I first
arrived however, I did not speak English very well. I learned it in
school but my teacher told me I would never be able to speak
English. I guess I showed her that I can! For the first two weeks,
I did not say one word because I did not understand what everyone
around me was saying. It is difficult when there is cliques and ten
conversations going on at the same time. After two weeks however, I
decided that everyone knew I was not from here and that I would
never learn. So I started. My study hall teacher taught me words
every day and we spoke a lot. It was a great year.
“My parents came and picked me up after graduation.
I did not want to go home. It did not feel right, but I had to
finish high school in Germany. I guess it was then that I decided I
would have to come back. There was something about the US that
would not let go of me. One other thing about me is that I have
been playing volleyball since I was nine years old. Since that
first day of practice, it has been a passion of mine. My whole
family plays and it has always been a big part of my life. Through
volleyball I received a scholarship to come and play at the
University of Memphis. I was actually going to go to NY, but then
the coach pulled back and I decided on Memphis. There were lots of
up and downs in this time period as one can only imagine; being an
athlete, a student, a friend and a person living in a new world. It
was hard for my parents to see me leave because my family is very
close, but I know that they are always there for me and will always
support me no matter what life brings. Matt and I met in college as
he played football at the University of Memphis. One day we started
talking and since then, it seems we have not stopped. We learned a
lot about each other and the cultures we each grew up in. Matt came
to Germany with me and saw where I grew up which showed him a
completely different side of me. Since then, we have established our
lives together in West Tennessee. So as you have heard, Memphis is
the place I have been living for the past five years, and if it was
not for the fact that I came to Memphis, I would not have met the
wonderful man I can now call my husband.”
Christine and Matthew Reagan were
married in July of this year here in Livingston.
Even though Eva Sells has been deceased some 15 years, her spirit was definitely felt by family members during the wedding of Christine and Matthew Reagan. I believe she was there to bestow her blessing on the marriage of her great-grandson and the person he chose to share his life with, someone she would have no doubt loved and enjoyed getting to know. Aunt Eva’s husband, Lonzo (Uncle Doll) Sells would have been just as proud that his great-grandson selected someone so similar to the wife he chose to be his life’s companion so long ago. The two of them, Aunt Eva and Uncle Doll, would wish nothing but happiness and the very best to Matthew and Christine as they begin their journey through life together. |